Friday, November 9, 2012

Fire Safety Week

I am sure many of you noticed over the past month that your student has been talking more and more about fire safety - including checking your smoke detectors, having an exit plan, where to meet when you get out of your house, etc...  I spoke with many parents who got the message from their young children.  That comes from Fire Safety week, which culminated on October 12 with the fireman assembly.  The highlight for me was watching a couple of staff members dress up as fireman.  The highlight for the kids was...well you can see below.
 Mrs. Reaume Gettting geared up to fight fire!
 Mrs. Reaume, is that heavy?

How far can that water go?

We must say thank you to firefighter's John and Randy and the
Ash Township Fire Department for giving us a great experience!!!

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